
I'll be home for Christmas

The Olives here, wishing a very Merry Christmas to all!

we hope your celebrations with the people you love are sweet & that we all remember the display of the greatest love we will ever know - the love of Jesus Christ, that we commemorate on this special day!

* Happy Holidays *

Love, the Olives  


starting our own traditions: charity:water

If your like me, you are a fan of traditions. I love them! I think they are so special in that they hold such dear memories in our lives that we will never forget.

When it comes to Christmas time, my family always had our own traditions like buying a real Christmas tree every year, decorating as a family, going to church Christmas Eve,  & only opening gifts on Christmas morning. But once G & I got married & our first Christmas came, a desire to start our own traditions for our new family became very exiting to me! What could we do each year together as the Olives, at Christmas time?

Well, three Christmas's together later, not many traditions have been started. lol Since getting married, we've gone back home to Jersey to celebrate with our families & have stayed until the New Year so we always miss Christmas Day in Chicago. Although we love getting to be with both our families during this time, because of that, we never really made a point to start something together.


I am so happy to say that this year that changed! We decided that every December we would donate to a charity we know & love, who are making a difference in the lives of the people who need it most, every day in the world.  An organization that was serving the poor, the ignored, the least of these because that is exactly what Jesus did for us when He came to earth - He came to love & serve us who are all the least of these compared to a great God.

This year choosing an organization it was an easy choice. We choose charity:water

This entire semester I was working on various projects for charity:water for my Social Work class, and through these months of research I have grown to love this organization so much.

I could write tons about charity:water here but I think once you check out their website you'll see what I  mean.
  • Learn about their 100% model
  • Their solutions & approach to bringing clean water to the people who need it most.
  • & see all the countries & people they've helped around the world.
Currently 3.4 million people do not have access to clean drinking water in the world today.
Would you consider donating to a family in need this holiday season?

Wishing you the merriest Christmas!

Love, the Olives


our dearest Christmas postcard

Every year since we've been married I have loved the idea of sending out Christmas cards to our friends & family, and every year we've (by we, I do mean I've) loved coming up with ideas & doing them! There are always so many ideas for what to do running through my mind, but I know that for me it's better to process ideas with other creative people for the ideas to become reality.

Well, the drama this year to make this years postcard happen was a little much, even for me! The day we chose to take them with our friend Bri, it was in the single digits & my grand idea was for us to take the picture in front of the lake where we usually spend lots of time in the Summer. Coats off, of course. Well it was freezing - & by freezing I mean by the time the 2 minutes were up of taking pics, because that was all we could handle, we couldn't feel our figures. Well, all the pictures came out dark. I sent them to Fabz to see if she could save them, & she did a great job lightening them, but at the end of the day they were too grainy to use.

So, back to square one! I had the idea to ask the lovely Camilla to take a picture for us during our road trip. After I got a bit furious with G due to wardrobe malfunctions - we did have a blast! lol. It was not overcast at all like I had hoped, so after changing our layout a couple times we decided on a picture and wording.

So much drama, just for a picture on a postcard - but each has been so special to us even when they don't come out exactly how I'd planned, like this one & year 1's. But Lord willing, we've got lots more to take & I for one am super exited about that! G, I don't think is as excited. lol

Year 3: 2013
Year 2: 2012
Barbs was so sweet helping me finish these last minute! I love the way they came out & their probably my favorite so far.
Year 1: 2011
Things I just noticed about all our cards:
  1. The photos were all taken by our friends (will definitely keep that tradition going!)
  2. They are all DIY, for the most part.
  3. & they all say Merry Christmas in the front! (& that was never what I originally had planned lol)

Although Christmas is not about Christmas postcards, making them is a project I look forward to every year as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ - our Savior! I love the sweet joy that celebration brings. Cheers!

Love, t Olive


moments to remember so far in december

Like so many others, I love the month of December. It's a month of so much love, joy, celebration, snow, & of course - Christmas! Not to mention, a birthday 5 days before (yay!) Things over here in Chi-town have been busy with finishing up the semester & making lots of decisions that will impact 2014. Just this week so many changes & experiences have happened! I was a little apprehensive about what 2014 would hold with so many changes, but now I am so excited for what's to come & all that God has in store.

This past weekend I decided to apply to be in leadership for a Pre-Counseling student group at Moody called The Movement. I had been thinking about applying for a couple of semesters because I wanted to connect with other people in my major more but I did not feel ready to join. Being committed to our marriage, school, work, & ministry at Rogers Park Baptist church, I knew I simply did not have time. But in going into Senior year, I wanted my Moody experience to be better. I wanted to immerse myself more in the community & be more part of it! So, I applied. & guess what? I ran into the leader of the Movement 2 days later & she told me that I was in! Oh my goodness, I tried to not look too excited when she said that but I am so exited!

The downside to being a part of the Movement was having to leave the youth group we've been serving for the past 2 years. It was a hard and long decision G & I had to make, but we both felt it was time for us to go & connect to a church that was closer to us. I love those kids, & I hope they truly know that!

Naomi, Danae, Dafney, Tyrone, Brandon, BaeBae, & Nick - it was such an honor to hang out with you these past 2 years! We love you!


There are so many ways to look at changes in life, but we all face them. For us change will mean G working full-time next year & looking into schools to apply for, for his Masters Program. For me it'll mean starting Senior year working less hours & being more involved in school. Also, looking for an internship & eventually starting one to work on throughout the Summer. For us, it'll mean searching for a church to call home in Chicago & discovering new ways to love each other & spend time together with new schedules.

So many changes are to come, & I'm glad I can be hopeful about them because I know that God is with us - leading us & sustaining us & caring for us along the way. He is Emmanuel, God with us!

I wanted to have more posts to savor this beautiful transitional month, but since that did not happen (opps!) here are some photos of what we've been up to lately, according to our iPhone's , of course! lol

there have been lots of outings in the cold
another trip to the Lyric Opera
gift buying & wrapping for our kids at youth group
Firecakes, another well-known Doughnut shop in Chi-Town was crossed off my visit list!
& who knew they'd have the BEST hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows! (a personal favorite)
lots of cuddling
& snow galore

I love this month

Love, t Olive


giving thanks on the road

In the car, driving back home from Ohio - somewhere in Indiana:

T. Babe, how much longer do we have on this road?

G. We're almost there babe!

T. Really?! So just a few more miles?

G. Um...she said (the gps lady) about 124 or so to go!


G. Just one more hour babe!! 


lol! This past Saturday night we got home from our very first road trip! Maybe from this short convo it doesn't seem like I was having the best time, but it really was so much fun! I think we would have this conversation about 3-5 times during our long drives where G would always say we had one more hour to go when we clearly didn't & the joke just became hilarious to us! Thanks for being so excited about this trip G! You add so much joy, sweetness, & adventure to my life. I love you!

Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving weekend! We hope yours was great & that by now you've been able to recover from all the delicious food!

Love, the Olives

I made sure bring snacks so we wouldn't need to stop for food, but we could't resist some Chick-fil-A!
6 hours..we made it!

taking a walk before our Thanksgiving meal
This was our first Thanksgiving with all traditional American Thanksgiving food cooked by a Brazilian, & it was so good! - I think the Brazilian part had a lot to do with that. Just saying. :)
our 8 am Black Friday faces! Sadly, we left with nothing...
& then we got the best donuts & that made it better!
Hiram gave us a tour of his former Seminary, The Southern Baptist Seminary.
A great big thanks to Hiram & Lene for welcoming us to spend Thanksgiving with you! We had a blast & can't wait to visit again! Simone & Ana - vocês são uns amores!

& off we go to...

Cincinnati, Ohio
the city wasn't very exciting 
but we can always find ways to have fun! lol
This is my, I don't want you to take a picture of me babe but I'll smile anyway - face. haha
G loved this guy- Cincinnatus!

Cleveland, Ohio.
We are so thankful to Camilla for being so willing to take pictures of us for our Christmas card this year, after a very failed attempt we had the weekend before. We were so blessed with such a beautiful location!
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
A blurry one, but all we have to say thank you to Ewald & Glaucia for opening your gorgeous home to us! Your hearts are so warm & we love you!