Lately I've been feeling like the constant thinking going on in my brain revolves around furniture/interior design, like always. And it's driving me crazy! lol Seriously though...when we first moved into our place over a month ago now we were both looking forward to furnishing and decorating it from scratch. In Chicago, everything we had was furnished by Moody which was a major blessing for us because what newly weds without jobs and in a new city have the money for that! We certainly did not! So for our first 3.5 years of marriage I didn't even think about what style I liked or didn't when it came to couches, tables, throw pillows...
Now, it's ALL I think about and everything is a headache. Yes, even deciding on pillows is hard! (sounds pathetic I know lol) But it's to the point where I'm stressing myself out because I want everything to look so darn perfect. But common, nothing is perfect right? You'd think knowing that would help but it hasn't, and I've let myself be consumed with the desire for the perfect stuff. Poor G, I can get cranky and take it out on him especially. Lately, it seems like were constantly butting heads and it dawned on me today that this is why. Focusing too much on how things look on the outside has caused me to neglect the things unseen like thoughtfulness, a loving touch, grace. On the outside, even if our home looks amazing what good is it if the process it took to get there was disgusting?
Well, I'm done with disgusting. Every disgusting attitude, harsh word and frustrating nag. I'm done because our home will be build on and in love. Together, in the mess and fun. So here's to a new mindset focused on love. Because even if every DIY isn't all I dreamed it would be, the nourishing of our souls in the daily process of authentic, purposeful living matters so much more.
And here's some of the crazy:
I'll make sure to update you on those throw pillows too, whenever we decide on some. :)
The skies this week looked like this every day.
And most dates = trips to Lowes & Target. Venti required, and it was free ;)
Our first DIY is currently in progress! Attempting to create a mid century modern styled dresser. Updates to come on this pretty thang.
Sleepy babe.
Pray for us. The work continues...