Sometimes God uses the circumstances of your life, and just pushes and pushes and pushes you to the point where you must change. You must grow. You must trust...in order to be left with any sanity at all. This sounds a bit dramatic, I know, and forceful. But wow, I don't think I've ever been asked to trust God more in my life than right now. He is gently asking in the midst of showing us His faithfulness. That His plan is what's best for us because He loves us and knows where He is leading us physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, geographically, vocationally, in every way. Only He knows the end. He sees the end of the road for us and gently guides us along the way, so that we can become those people that shine His light. All He asks is that we follow and trust Him. His plan, His purpose. His desires for our life. He has presented us with hurdles upon grace, again and again since our accident in April. And this, this song is the essence of my heart today, in this season of fighting for trust, peace and rest in the midst of failing and falling into doubt as a sinner saved by grace every single moment of every day.
Its all that I have to love and live for you it's all that I have, its all that I am.
"In the cold light, I live, I only live for you
It's all that I am, it's all that I have"