Jesus is weeping with us.
Do you see His
He's weeping with our nation
For every childhood that's been taken
For every home that is now vacant
Because of color
Because of hatred
Jesus is weeping with us.
Do you see His tears?
With the boyfriend who lost their boyfriend
With the wife left to raise a family alone
With the brother who's brother was slaughtered
With the friend who's squad just got smaller
Jesus is weeping with us.
Do you see His tears?
He is weeping with us ALL
. . . . . . . .
Last night we laid on the couch in disbelief, well into the morning hours. When we woke up today, the news was still tragic and somber and shocking to say the least. All I could muster as I read through so many posts on fb regarding this weeks tragedies was this poem. Because #blacklivesmatter and Jesus modeled this for us.