
Cheers to 2017!

1 woman's march that empowered many beautiful souls.
2 months of keeping my best friends pregnancy a secret, and two grandparents who passed away. (oh, life's paradox)
3 epic engagements among family and friends.
4 Saturdays of Christmas shopping which was two way too many. haha
5 months sans the gym since changing work schedules, which changed my life in a good way, except that one ;)
6 years of marriage to the best person in my life!
7 major trips taken (the most we've ever done!) including weekends in Mexico, Phoenix, Vegas and ofcourse, Jersey.
8 powerful words of prayer in battle - whatever is: true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy...
9 flower arrangements on #theolivestable
10 thousand moments of happy tears during Michelle & Joe's beautiful wedding <3
11 trips to Oscars Mexican and Seafood for tacos and a quesadilla.
12 books on my reading list, but six was the grad total read. Brené Brown, thank you. 
13 months waiting for House of Cards, the Crown and Stranger Things to begin, and it was so worth it!
14 conversations about the future and constant reminders to trust God and stand in prayer.
15 minutes taken to walk across the border to Mexico, and the disbelief of how easy that was!
16 divided by four months of watching the sun rise and set on most days. That was a gift.
17 honey lattes from Better Buzzed, and way too much $ spent on coffee thanks to Communal Coffee too!

This year was one to remember. It was the year of high highs and low lows. The year we took our first intimate vacation since our honeymoon (meaning, not staying with family on a trip HA!) The year we decided to take charge of our finances and make smarter decisions with our money. The year I took risks that could've cost me my job, but instead got me promoted. The year I almost went to the ER because of anxiety which was a battle I never saw coming. And the year I practiced leaning into my pain with Jesus, and He met me over and over again in that place. It was the year I read the most books by choice, ever. And the year I went to gym less than I have since I was 21. This year it rained so much that the flowers bloomed like they hadn't in decades, and So Cal came out of the drought! This year, we struggled and fought and prayed more than years past. But we also celebrated like crazy and cried many happy tears. 2017 was good, but we think 2018 will be GREAT. As we like to say, the best is yet to come. So cheers to 2017! We can't wait to see what God has in store for the next one..

with love and hope, the olives