Starting off with complete transparency - I started writing this post over a week ago, and haven't come around to stepping back into it until today because figuring out what I want to do in this quarantine has been a journey for me. Documenting this time, as well as many other seasons in our life is something I love doing but don't always share with the world because some things feel too personal and sacred. This time feels especially fragile and heavy as well as wondrous, challenging, joy filled and eye opening to say the least. Staying open and honest matters to me, so I want these posts to feel that way. Open, honest, full of joy, hope, sadness and fear. I am grateful for much and will share the good. Here's a glimpse into our days in quarantine...
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Recently, G and I decided to do an IG live where we answered a few questions from some of our favorite people. It was so much fun! Too much fun probably because I haven't laughed so much in a pretty long time. Probably since quarantine began, but more about that later. If you were there in real time, let me just go ahead and apologize on G's behalf for wanting to leave the convo before answering all the questions while asking for people to ask more questions. LOL! I'm still laughing at the thought of the whole thing and it was so good to interact with everyone who joined. I think we'll definitely do it again!
On the live, we had some interest in blog posts so I voiced the idea of doing a photo a day post since quarantine began for us. This week starts week 5, and boy has it been a journey of emotions, perspective checks, anxiety, fear, disbelief, sadness and a whole lot more. One thing is for sure, in all the unknown and frustration with how the situation is being handled politically - we have hope. Our hope in all this really is in Jesus because He is good and promises to be with us always. This time to slow down (for most of us) gives us the opportunity to settle, hear his voice and feel his presence with us at all times. Not just at church but in our homes, and more importantly, within us.
I'll be honest and I say I haven't been as intentional with reading the bible and having a devotional since this change of pace started. It really hit me this past week that this is our new normal for a while, so we might as well take advantage of it in any way we can and use our time wisely by doing things that fill our souls. That looks different for everyone, and my hope is that if you haven't been thinking of this lately, that you do and answer some questions like: what do I want to take out of this time? what steps can I take to be intentional with the things I want to do or accomplish? Who do I want to be right now? How can I purposely rest? How will I take care of my body, mind and soul? What habits do I need to stop and which can I start to be closer to the person I want to be? Who can I bless today?
If any of these questions resonate with you, I hope you'll answer them truthfully, but also give yourself grace in this season.
I've been photographing moments of our day since things started shutting down in Miami Beach. So, here is a photo (or photos) a day in quarantine. If there's anything we can do to help you, you know where to find us! IG: tiffanyolives
2020 - you came for us, but God is with us
I took this weekend off to celebrate G's bday, but things changed when we started getting notified of the dangers of Covid in the US. The city was still operating as usual, but stores and restaurants were beginning to close. We headed to the beach for some relaxation not knowing the next few weeks would bring.
I remember feeling calm that evening and wanting to be outside as much as possible, so I made a cup of coffee and watched the sunset from our front porch. A few hours later, I got the news. All stores company-wide would be shutting down until March 28th due to the virus.
We woke up determined to celebrate G the best way we knew how in this situation, off again to the beach. We stayed a safe distance away from people, but the beach was full. Spring Breakers were still in town without a care in the world, and covid talk was buzzing.
I remember walking down Lincoln Rd. while heading to the beach and thinking how shocking it was to see empty tables on a Sunday at most restaurants.
distancing, before it became a rule
this was also the first Sunday Vous did church online as a precaution, before the State made it mandatory to do so. So thankful for their leadership on this
After a Trader Joes run in the morning, I walked around our neighborhood and down to my favorite coffee shop, XO, to say hi to the girls and get a sense of what was going on. All restaurants were closed, tables and chairs put away. I went by work to see the sign at the door and sat outside for a while listening to Brene Brown and processing what was happening...
^ This was the last day the patio set was out - very few people around already ^
Started to feel a little stir crazy, already!! Did a lot of reading and time outside on the porch. Our evening walk by the water felt special, and empty shelves at TJ and parking lots and on our street, surreal. Watching Coldplays #togetherathome was special too...
I remember waking up feeling good and wanting to venture to our usual spots, so I picked up some Rosetta for brunch, not knowing it would close the very next day. This day was full of lasts. It was also the last day the beach would be open until further notice. We had no idea, but I am so thankful we decided to walk all the way down to South Point on the beach (the end of Miami Beach) and back home. It would be our last day doing that for a long time..crazy!
^And that right there is the reason they closed the beach as early as they did (with good reason) ^
^ We saw about 2 dozen people on the boat while this cruise was leaving ^
This was a sad walk! To see the beaches empty and these signs everywhere was an end of the world type feeling.
The next few photos have no dates. Just different moments from quarantine life, lately...
^ solution to no beach ^