
for remembering

my in-loves 30th wedding anniversary
going on less common walks on those "warmer" days - meaning it's above 20 degrees
sending these out with lots of love
finally discovering a way to make my curls come back in this winter!
going to see our first Bulls game & sitting in $100 seats for $20! shhhhh ;)
visiting churches to call home
reaching a total of 67.4 inches of snow this winter (almost double the norm)
& were officially titled the 3rd coldest winter Chicago has ever experienced (making us true Chicago-ins, I'd say!)
making plans in prayer for the next step in our lives
our last Founder's Week
tangibly seeing the love of God displayed in the lives of our friends
hard but good conversations
witnessing gorgeous sunsets of yellows & pinks
the start of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 
& getting emotional with Drew (my favorite moment so far!)
my first time making pancakes at home (whole wheat, banana, cinnamon, & pecans included!) & Saturday brunches
Sprinkles, after two months of staying away 

cheers to a life-changing month that can't really be portrayed these pictures, but our hearts know.

Love, t Olive


bless·ed are

My professor asked us three times, "who are you?"
Write down the first thing that comes to mind.

It's hard to express, but for me I often look to others to see how "good" I am, how great or not so great life is, or how valuable my life is. Time & time again this keeps coming up as something I feel is wrong & really don't like at all. Am I called to compare myself to others for worth? No, I'm not. Yet - after the Fall, our relationship with God was no longer perfect but fractured so now who we tend to look at for value or simply "to feel good about ourselves" is the face of those around us. At least that is the case for me. For others it may be  looking to pleasure, possessions, status, ministry, knowledge, getting things done, vanity, etc...

There are so many things that distract me from looking at the face of God in Jesus Christ and finding my identity there & saying I am yours. I am your beloved; this is who I am and that is why I have worth. What people think or what I do, or what I have - these things are constantly changing. But God's unconditional love for me, for all of us, before we were even in our mothers womb, that never changes. (Romans 5:8)

Fully redeemed, yet being restored. "It's time to chip away at the sense of dissatisfaction that accompanies comparison." Thank God my identity is in Him and not in others! Really. I hope this truth brings you hope today, but I also hope you're led to reflect and ask yourself who you are. As Prof. Clark (a favorite and so wise professor at Moody) always says, "Who you are is because of Whose you are." Whose are you?

As the Beatitudes show us, what our culture tells us is ideal in being the "perfect" person & having the best life, God turns upside down. So, I'll end with this passage & pray it speaks life & truth every person who reads it, in a personal way through the Holy Spirit.

"Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them. He said:

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
      for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
      for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
     for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,  
     for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
     for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
     for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
      for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
      for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:1-10

Clearly, I still struggle with this & may be struggling for a while. But God is with me - I find hope in that. As I'm thinking this through and wresting, I write because there may be someone who reads this that may be struggling too & I want you to know that you are not alone. As the body of Christ, I'm with you; we need each other.


words from the wiser: empathy

As a Pre-Counseling Major at Moody you take lots of really deep classes that force you to look at your life and ask questions like, Who am I? Why do I do what I do? What is God calling me to today? and Have I become more like Christ in the past 90 days? etc... Honestly, I did not expect my classes to have such an impact on my self-awareness and spiritual formation but I thank God that it has.

In another light though, along with these classes are those that teach skills in how to effectively help others who need counsel or just some one to talk to. So,one skill that my wise professor Nancy never fails to talk about is Empathy. Empathy is entering into the world of another person, into their pain, and being with them in it. It is identifying the pain of another and not dismissing it, but connecting to your own pain in order to support them in theirs. I never realized how much of a vital skill it was until I started practicing it with people I talked to & it really made a difference.

I meet with a group of Pre-Counseling majors every week on a team called The Movement (shout out to them!) and in this weeks meeting, our leader Jenna showed us this video about Empathy I really wanted to share after seeing. The person speaking is Dr. Brené Brown, a professor who researches topics like vulnerability and shame. Her words are taken from a Ted Talk she did, but the animation added to her words is what got my attention because helps what she's saying come alive and become a bit more tangible. Even if cute cartoon animals don't appeal to you, please watch this video & maybe learn something new about how to empathize well with others living with pain.
"we heal in community" Nancy Kane

You can watch Brené Brown's two Ted Talks and learn more about her here.
Love, t Olive


to the Pereira's

(photo by Monique Maragno de Menezes, additional black & white edit)

Because we love this family so much, we wanted to honor their story here today - a day that will forever change their lives.

As Ketty & Julio are in the hospital now, awaiting the birth of sweet Brielle, we pray for their strength & courage & precious lives! When you see people you love so much experience deep hardship, the first thing you want to do is fix it for them, or take it away because it really just sucks to see your friends going through pain. But just by hearing them speak about their sweet baby girl Brielle has been such an encouraging testimony to us of God's love, presence, and care for our lives. Truly, their story is one filled with grace, love, and such tremendous faith in God it is an inspiration beyond words to hear and see. We feel so honored to be considered their friends. 

Courageously, Ketty started a blog to share her experiences and journey, and I think her own words are so beautiful, authentic and true. She writes, 

For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that 
everyone who believes in him not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 

“If He loves us this much, we have to trust, believe and have faith in His love.  Even in bad times, God is in control.  He knows what is best for us.  There is ALWAYS a purpose.  This is what I am holding on to.  Everyday I feel God’s peace and it’s hard to explain it but I know it’s not coming from me.  I am far too small and powerless to keep it together all on my own."

You are so right Ketty, God is always in control & today from thousands of miles away I'm believing that too, encouraged by your faith. You have been & continue to be someone I look up to.

We lift you up
We love you Julio, Ketty, Raquel, Daniel, Isabel, & little Brielle
With a heavy, yet hopeful heart...
t Olive 
(If you want to read about Ketty's journey with Brielle, please visit her blog: http://kettypereira.wordpress.com/)



I could not let another day go by without saying a huge congratulations to our good friend who always makes us laugh every night 
Jimmmmmmmmy Fallon 
for being the new host of the Tonight Show!!!

Yea, this is a little bit ridiculous for a blog post it seems, but watching late night TV has really become a fun part of our lives we enjoy together since getting married. We're both night owls to different extents, so it worked out really well living in the Midwest where everything is an hour earlier than the East Coast. (score!) So switching it up between Dave Letterman & Jay Leno was always fun, but watching Jimmy during Late Night has always been our fav! So sorry Letterman, your funny suit choices will now be replaced by The Roots, Thank You notes, and random hilariousness Jimmy always brings to the table.

Jimmy, now that you have your first episode out of the way, if you happen to have a couple spare tickets in an envelope with the names Tiffany and G (or you could always pen that on there for us) - please give us a call. Please!

Cheers to more laughs & staying up too late on school nights with Jimmy Fallon!


a poem to my valentine

"Red Ink" 

As I looked through my drawer that's filled with old things
I found my first journal
I've had it since before my teen's

I searched through its pages in hopes I'd find a paper
A list I had made, I suddenly remembered it today
Two-thousand, two-thousand and one, or maybe two?
As I passed through the years this list seemed to just disappear

But wait!
Red Ink
I've found what I had been seeking

It was in two-thousand and five that this list was made
And today I am so thankful for the fact it was still saved
You see, on this paper I wrote many words that felt true
From honest and kind, to unselfish and a sense of humor

Sensitive and affectionate

Good spiritual relationship with God.

It's a bit overwhelming and unbelievable how true
our hearts desires are actually known by a Person who lives inside of you
You see, at 14 I made a list at the home of a friend
My desires were clear - this is what I wanted in my husband

Now 10 years later, as I hold this paper on this sweet day
My God has not withheld any character trait I penned
On that Saturday

This brings me joy and hope and thankfulness because it reveals
Yes, God is near!
Even when you don't feel it, and even when you are distant
He is there and He will always appear

Jesus, in You I have all that I need
Yet, You still choose to bless me
Thank You Lord for the blessing of marriage with G

He is more than what I asked for
In red ink that day
Your love radiates through him as he graces me everyday
By Tiffany Oliveira
Written on this Valentines Day


four things

a random, just because series for remembering things that make my heart sing.

because as John Piper reminded me, you won't be the same person 10, 30, or 50 years from now, so my thought is this: why not document the things, style, verses, interests, places, foods, etc I love & am excited about today & see how much they change along the way.

top left: Valentines Day! I know, everyone has their opinions about it & I've heard many! From, "We are so in love, we give the most thoughtful gifts on Valentines!" To,  "I'm single, so this time of year is just annoying." And even, "We've always believed that you should show love every day of the year, so we don't really celebrate Valentines day." And, it can just go on! I'm pretty sure I have thought or felt all these things after going on my 23rd valentines day - but I can say I love it because I know for me when life gets busy and stressful, I tend to not think about how I'm loving people I talk to everyday, or people I only talk to once in a while. The truth is though, we are called to love each other.(1 John 4:7-10) So if there's a time of year that can reinforce and remind me to be loving to those around me, I'll take it! & besides - who doesn't like being told thy're loved, even if it's just by their parents. :) // image by Max Wagner

top right: Maternity style, in the future tense! I'm sorry Mom, Jess, and my Tia's who are reading - who encourage me more than often to have their next baby to love - Tears, I am not pregnant (yet!). But, I have been very excited about the thought of it & how cute clothes look with a big belly underneath. (oh, is that just me? ok.) lol Fashion has always been inspiring to me & the years since G and I have moved to Chicago I think my style & what I truly love to wear have evolved so much. If i could afford it I would live in Madewell, JCrew, and Anthropologie with no problem. But since that's not my reality I try to get inspiration from those stores and explore options I wont go broke over. Going back to maternity style though, something quite notable is how much it has evolved in recent years & I just love it because one day I'll be needing inspiration for a growing belly. // image via ontobaby.com

bottom left: Snow! It's a bit hard to believe, but this winter has been the coldest Chicago has ever seen with more snow than we've had since we moved here. I think God had us in mind when our first winter didn't even reach the negatives, and our second didn't come with one bad storm, but now for our third & probably our last winter here - it's worse than many remember Chicago winters can be. But along with the polar vortex and crazy wind has come the snow and it truly has been so beautiful to be around it everyday, for what feels like a month already. It's been too cold to melt, so with more snow coming at least weekly it just keeps piling up, so I've come to truly appreciate it's beauty more than ever, even though it means I've only worn my rain-boots-turned-snow-boots for the last 2 weeks straight. // image via our white as snow post

bottom right: California! G & I are officially going to be going to Cali for a few days during our spring break to check out a school G is looking into for his Masters Program. We were seriously considering going to Cape Town, South Africa for him to get his Masters Degree but after much prayer and counsel we feel that now is not the right time to go. Although we were both a bit disappointed, we are trusting that God is leading us. So, when G told me he was looking into a school in Cali. I was very much in shock & excited because ever since I visited for the first time in high school, I've wanted to live there. A dream of mine before getting married was to travel the world with my husband, and now I'm seeing we're off to a good start in the US, living wise. lol Maybe it just might be the next destination on this grand adventure we are on together, only knowing where we're going as the Lord leads. To me, there's no better place for us because it forces me to trust God with my whole life, no matter what happens or where I go. We will keep updating where our next steps will take us as we come to know them, but for right now I'm just exited about our mini vacation trip to a gorgeous place with my gorgeous guy, to see my gorgeous aunt & uncle who are already so thrilled to welcome us. // image via Pinterest

*cheers to the sweet beginnings of 4 things!*
Love, t Olive


white as snow

"...Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow..." Isaiah 1:18

On February 1st my discipleship & spiritual formation class went on a 7 hour solitude retreat at the University of St. Mary, about 45 minutes away from the city. We arrived at 8:30 a.m. and stayed til 3:00 pm for a time of solitude and rest with God. We could not speak or have any technology with us; even at lunch when we all ate together in silence. I overheard one guy in the cafeteria say to his friend, "This is the quesiest group of people I have ever seen!" I laughed a little at that comment, but it's so true. When will you ever see a group of twenty somethings together at a retreat without speaking a word? It is unlikely. But this day is one I don't ever want to forget. 
The campus was so beautifully covered in snow. It was snowing off and on the entire day, so walking around from building to building was cold & wet, but stunning. I didn't want to leave without taking a few photos so I asked my professor if I could have my phone as I took a walk. Smiling she said yes, as long as I didn't use it otherwise. I was so happy. 
Solitude & silence is something Mrs. Kane talks about a lot, and after this weekend I have experienced how important it really is to quiet yourself and focus on God. This really gives space for you to listen to what Christ is calling you to that day - to release and to receive from Him. I didn't realize how saturated my life is in entertainment and media before this day. To my surprise, physically not having my phone with me for so many hours was so freeing. When I did have it for pictures I kept wanting to turn it off because I felt the difference of having it verses not. 
The distractions in our lives are so heavy. But Jesus asks us again and again to give our burdens to Him, and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28-30). In silence it was hard for me to quiet my mind, but in this I became so aware of my sin and depravity - and at the same time became even more aware of Jesus' love for me. Honestly, it was hard for me to just receive that love from Him without doing a thing. But I want to hold on to this truth with my entire being. 

Jesus loves you and me, period. & I believe he patiently waits for us to acknowledge His presence every day. 

I leave this post with words from Brother Lawrence from his book Practicing His Presence.

"Dear sister [and brother], repair the lost time. Return with full assurance, to the very One who authored mercy and created grace. Return to your Father who always, at any time, is so utterly willing to receive you. More: He will receive you with the deepest affections."

"And how can we pray to Him without being with Him? 
And how can we be with Him without thinking of Him often? 
And how can we think of Him often without forming the holy habit of being in His presence?"