Because when you've moved to a new place, almost everything you do for the first time feels special.
Walk turned hike.
Trip Downtown.
The skyline behind the bay reminded us so much of Chicago's. It's still sad knowing it's no longer our home...then we check the weather.
a serious, le selfie.
Being self-pronounced "foodies" (maybe on a smaller level) we wanted to have an early dinner somewhere well-known in our new city. Easily, we decided to choose a place on G street!
Neighborhood makes all their food from scratch in house! Those sweet photos fries with blue cheese and that dipping sauce.....delicious!
And how charming is this building?

Jacuzzi day!
Seriously, it's a little hilarious (and obnoxious) to me this happened in January! I mean, common! How can people in one coast freeze while the other sweats because it's so hot? We've really been sympathizing with our former Chicagoans and east coast people -while we tan of course.
Owning & washing OUR own car.
Is it just me or is this soapy water just gorgeous!? Keeping my eyes open for all the ordinary pretty things...
We are so thankful to own our first car! Tia Ro graciously sold it to us, and we couldn't be happier knowing it's reliable AND cute! Honestly, having to buy (and drive) a car was what I least looked forward to moving here. I mean, the expenses seem endless! But thanks to lowering gas prices (paid $2.12 this week!) the transition has been smooth, so for that I'm thankful but also prayerful that we will be back to downtown living one day. For now, *Charlie* will be taking us here and there! To the road trips and staycations that await...!
Driving with G in the drivers seat!
Yes - the first time g drove us around with his permit was at night time! Can you tell we're not afraid of adventure? lol! He's getting better and better everyday, but still I ask that if you think of us please pray for our safety. These Cali. people are laid back in every way except when driving. Make way for the Olives!
Andddd the sunset that night may be the prettiest I had ever seen! Good thing I could FINALLY take pictures; I like the passengers seat.
**Cheers to living the Cali. life enjoying so many firsts while staying true to our east coast vibes! No, I won't stay quiet waiting in line while those who are supposed to be working are...not. (talking to YOU dmv peeps) And, I won't drive around everywhere just because that's the norm. Long walks here we come! (I'm done venting now) Ha!