JANUARY: a road trip to Virginia Beach with our sisters and Gui to see Julie and Dre
+ the start of my last spring semester.
FEBRUARY: more polar vortex temps + our first time watching the Bulls + a valentines day that included sending a dozen postcards to friends.
MARCH: an amazing trip all over Southern California to visit schools, friends and celebrate G's birthday + the beginning of making plans for after Moody.
APRIL: a blessed month of transition and rest + coming out of hibernation ready for endless walks again.
MAY: was definitely one of our most memorable months of the year between g graduating + our families coming to Chi + endless outdoor dates + celebrating Angies pregnancy + a day trip to NY with the girls for TheDryBar + Jen and Bruno's wedding + Jess going to Africa!
JUNE: all the summer things + our three year *leather* anniversary celebrated with our first picnic overlooking the city. (the best)
JULY: we just took in all that Chicago summers have to offer: endless fireworks, concerts, walks, beach days, Taste of Chicago, Navy Peir hangouts, outdoor brunch and more + The World Cup.
Can you spot our Brazilian flag hanging on our window?
AUGUST: was all about Rio! I was so unsettled about going because of all our moving expenses only a few months away, but God provided for us to go, and #olivesinrio became one of the most special trips of our lives.
SEPTEMBER: a month of extremes. From huge disappointments, like Fabz dramatically not coming to photograph us in Chi the one weekend that seemed perfect. To huge excitement, like announcing our move to San Diego and receiving so much love and encouragement from everyone + G went right back to Rio for a couple days making this month his final and 4th trip there in 2014, which is amazing in and of itself.
OCTOBER: I excitedly traveled to Jersey for a weekend to attend Angie's baby shower for Nathan (just could not miss it!) + #weekendwiththeolives happened, another absolute favorite part of our year! God knew, yes, He always knows what He is doing in our lives even when we are so confused; this month proved to me that God will go to extremes to bless His children. He is so good.
NOVEMBER: Thanksgiving with our families for the first time in Jersey as a married couple! + our first Friendsgiving + my busiest and most stressful month school work wise + g and I wondering what the heck we were going to do with all our stuff.
DECEMBER: friends came through + moving dreams came true. 24 happened in Laguna and felt amazing. Oh, and Ang & Jon had a baby. :) Nathan we love you! + our first Cali. Christmas!
All in all, I know that this year God has shown me so many times that He is able to do anything in our lives. The impossible truly is possible in Jesus name. What can separate us from His love? NOTHING. The answer is nothing. It always was and it always will be. Oh Lord I am so thankful for 2014. So many times I didn't think I could make it, but You provided the faith, friends, love and peace.
Cheers to a new year!
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