"History, genocides, Nazism, racism, haven’t they all proved, at the very least, this to humanity:
It’s when we dehumanize anyone, that we can legitimize anything.
We may be a smaller human in utero — but the *size* of a human being has never determined value of a human being.
We may be a less developed human in utero — but the *developmental level* of a human being has never determined that one has less worth as a human being.
We may be in a particular environment as a human in utero — but *where a human being is, has never determined whether one was respected as a human being.*
We may be more dependent as a human in utero —- but being dependent on another human being for life has never determined *that anyone can simply end your life.*
That’s what this generation is about — *not turning a blind eye to any distress of any human anywhere* -- *woman or child.*
This is the generation that’s ready to do whatever it takes to work toward the mutual flourishing of *all humans,* in all places — in utero and in crisis. The generation that will be Pro-Human -- *for the human in a hard place, and for the human in utero.*
We won't turn away from the women in crisis, or the humans in utero, we won't stay quiet, because to stay quiet in the face of human suffering, is to be complicit in that human suffering... so we will share & reach out & use our voices & be Pro Voice & we will be Pro-Human... all humans, all made in the image of God..."
Ann Voskamp
Coming back from my break from blogging for this, because I believe the topic is too important not to talk about. Ann's words are dear to my heart because like her I believe being Pro-Human is what the gospel is all about. As a Christian who is angered, saddened and disgusted by what Planned Parenthood is doing, I think we must stand for both the unborn children and the woman who need support in such a fragile time of life.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, not to shun or shame. May we do the same, in love, and be the face of Jesus to all human beings. "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10
Read more by Ann Voskamp on this issue HERE / It is well worth the read.