
so long chicago

Soon, we say goodbye. As a farewell tribute to our days in Chicago, I feel so emotional about posting this small number of favorites (there are many more I love!) from our shoot with Fabz on the weekend of our 5 year anniversary together. I keep thinking, look at where we have come, thanks to Jesus and His faithfulness towards us. Really, without hoping and resting in Christ, I don't know where we'd be. These past few years have been HARD and AMAZING at the same time. So these photos are so special to us because they speak volumes of the beginning of our married life, growing & learning to love each other in a place that's been so cold & so warm, literally & figuratively, to us. 

Our first home. 

Captured are the places we  have loved and walked through hundreds of times. Captured, is joy and laughter but also intimacy, vulnerability, trust - commitment. I love this man more than ever! But it is not romance or an "easy" marriage that has cultivated more love. No, it is being together persevering in our struggles, and sharing life with a man who through so much has never let me go and has loved me so sweetly and sacrificially. I am so glad to share his last name forever, even though I really don't like olives at all. lol! Oh the irony! I love our little olive tree.

Oh, we have grown, and for this I am so thankful! So even in our tearful goodbye, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Always.

Captured: October 25th 2014
"Hatty" couple, for life.
you can't see it, but there's a "g" on my bracelet; it's my favorite.
I'm so going miss walking through Michigan Ave. every week on the way to work. 
I think the silly, laughing moments are just as precious as the vulnerable ones. I love him so much.
The weekend of the photo-shoot, lady bugs were everywhere in the city. It added the sweetest touch to our day.
This last photo encompasses so much of these past three and a half years living in Chi. 

Hand in hand. 
Through traffic, snow, rain, heat, and wind. Embracing the car-less life head on (and loving it)
To the movies, groceries, concerts, Sprinkles, parks, dinner, "daily dates."
Away from campus to our special spots around the city.
Closer to each other, being confronted with the question, "will we trust God in this?"
Toward hope, even when we did not see, feel or believe He was present.
Even on those blurry days, never letting go. Although tempted.
Believing that God is guiding each and every step. 

Although friends go one way, family another and our own desires in many different directions. 
You lead God. You have lead us. And we will continue to follow You.
We will trust and keep walking in you.
Excitedly! As we now walk 
into the sunshine.


  1. LOVE this, Tiffany! Thanks so much for sharing! Beautiful. I rejoice with you and am sad to see you go! Though my turn to say goodbye to the city is coming soon too... Love you girl! Would love to connect in person! - Charissa Faith

  2. Charissa! Thank you so much. Your words mean so much, especially coming from a person who speaks and writes as elegantly as you! Yes, I miss our conversations. And definitely want to hear about your future plans!
