
the sunshine state


Hello blog world! I feel the need to reintroduce myself because it's been so long since I've been here. It's hard to believe, but 5 whole months have past, and it's been a wild time. First things first, we moved! Said goodbye to California and hello to life on the road. Living in Cali was a dream come true for me, and we loved the beauty we got to live surrounded by every day. But we knew our time was coming to an end, and we wanted to make roots somewhere closer to home. So the nomad life began from May to August. In this time, we road tripped across the country, enjoyed much needed family time in NJ and traveled to Mexico for the wedding of one of my best childhood friends! AND, we celebrated seven (7!) years of marriage.

I am so grateful. It's been great to take a break and refresh. Sometimes stepping back from day to day life is so good for the soul, and there was a lot of soul searching the past few months. Some things I've learned: God sees you, even when it seems like He's not there; trusting doesn't mean feeling good about your decisions, faith and feelings don't always go hand in hand; and cherish, cherish the time you have with those you love. People matter most, and your team, the ones that cheer for you and love you no matter what, they are gifts to be cherished and loved.

I'm excited to be back! I'll be sharing some things from the past few months on lovetheolives, but for now - here's a glimpse of the past few weeks we've had here in South Florida.

We are very excited to call this place home.

Figuring out the metro mover downtown has been so much fun! I got on and went the completely wrong way, but it was awesome seeing how far it goes and exploring the city on there! Did I mention it's free? Yep - amazing.
thunderstorms at the beach
our first weekend here we picked mangoes from a tree! We had three bags full - probably about 80 mangoes, and we've been eating them in every form since!
the sunsets have been amazing, something I'm so grateful for
living by all the Brazilian food is so nostalgic and delicious!