
eliminating "new"

This month has been been full of learning how to adjust to our current living situation as we are still with friends and just starting to earn paychecks again. Although we did not expect to be living with Elimar and Julia through the month of February, we can't image how we'd make it living in an apartment that we didn't love and was over our budget, which is what we've been finding. But now that we are earning some money and almost getting into the place we were hoping for all along, I see a glimmer of light! Things are moving along and it's really all in perfect time.

However, towards the end of January I was getting overwhelmed with the expenses that were heading our way and the money I was spending on myself, so I made a decision: I would not be buying anything new for myself all February long. I know, I know - for some people this is not hard or a big deal at all. But for me, I knew it would be very challenging. Fashion is something I love. It inspires me while also being a creative outlet that is really fun! In Chicago I would go store browsing every week. Then, I had the luxury of living 20 walking minutes or less from all of my favorite places, including Anthropologie, Madewell and Urban. You know, the good stores that make you somehow rationalize that you NEED a $150 dress that could pass for $30 at Forever 21. These days the stores aren't as close, which helps, but saying no to shopping is a tough one - especially during the sales! Well... one month later I am so glad to say I did it! 28 days have passed without buying anything new. Here's what I learned:

-- There's more clothes in my wardrobe that I don't wear than I thought! Seriously, I tend to put on the same clothes every week and have lot's that go untouched, even after giving away over half of my clothes before the move. Those pretty loafers pictured for example, I've owned them for three months, but before this challenge they were never worn. Totally forgot about them.

--  Spending no money on clothes, shoes and accessories means having more money for all the other exciting things you need! Like all the furniture there is to buy for our soon-to-be place. Or maybe it's a camera, or plane tickets - it could be anything.

-- What I have is enough. Though it almost never feels like enough, I have enough.

May we invest more in our people, and less in things.


all the miracles

My goodness! Lately, It seems like something new and exciting is going on every week, if not everyday in our ever-changing lives. I feel like if I don't keep track of writing it all down I'll forget all the miracles. Let me emphasize, ALL the miracles because there are so many that God has been orchestrating this past month.

Week 1: My full time position began at the first job I applied to and interviewed for!
Week 2: G started his full time schedule at Westminster  + We got a call back for an apartment we applied for in early January which we were on a waiting list for, and told a call would only be coming in 6 months at the earliest. Yea - one month later they called.
Week 3: Found out that 30 people were called for the TWO condos available for move in. We were number two out of three who applied right away. And two days later were approved. AH! Andddddd G passed his road test with a mean lady who tested, but thankfully passed him!
Week 4: Hasn't happened yet but I'm sure something else is coming. lol

It can be hard to trust God sometimes. But why? He provides for us so well and so perfectly in His timing it's just amazing when you stop and think about it. It IS a miracle that I have a full time job right out of college in the field I studied in. It IS a miracle that the apartment we liked the most because of its location and price called us in a month when the week prior they had told us to expect a call in May. It IS a miracle that we were the second family to get our paperwork in, let me add - on a day I normally was scheduled to work but choose not to for completely different reasons. If I had worked that day we would have lost our chance. I mean...I just can't believe it's all a coincidence. I can't believe it's luck or fate. The only explanation is that Someone greater than I sees the beginning and end of my life, and He is guiding me through it every day.

When we pray for guidance, He guides. When we ask for wisdom, He gives it. And when we truly tell Him our needs, and ask that His will be done no matter what, it is done. Yes, we can trust in Him because we know He is faithful, loving, sovereign and good all the time. Give me all of the miracles Lord! I'll take each one you have for me and praise You for it, because You are the author and perfecter of our faith.

These are some random February happenings, because I also like to remember the good stuff in picture form. 

I would have never thought I'd be working in the mountains.
Foggy rush hour


wftw: real people make real love

It's sure been a while since sharing one of these posts, or really writing any posts at all. The "boring" truth is that life has been crazy busy, and we are still adjusting to solo computer sharing. But...thanks to Ann Voskamp's brilliantly written and tender words, I am more than ok with my non-exciting reasons for not having time to write. I needed the reminder that life IS so much more than what we actually share with the rest of the world. Our worlds. Our own lives. And the details in them that would never make us famous or popular; these are often the ones that matter most.

I have shared Ana's words on words from the wiser before, and this post is no less brilliant. It touches deep into the truths and longings of a heart often broken and left confused, but knows truth and love in Christ, expressed so fully in our marriage.

But even if marriage isn't your reality right now, or maybe you're married and sad, or dating, single, happy, or lonely - I encourage you to read these words of love. May God speak to us still.
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How Real People Make Shades of Real Love

"I could weep for a quiet love like this, the kind of love they don’t write movies about, but the Maker writes down in a book of His own.

It’s not the kind of flashy that makes any red carpet, but it’s the kind of unforgettable love that runs red.

It doesn’t matter one iota what the checkout glossies tout: Sacrifice is the most attractive of all.

And boring love is what touches the deepest– our lives boring down deep into each other’s hearts.

And I have loved you as the hero-of-few-words who has rescued me day in and day out, without any fanfare or flash.

You have lived and bore the weight of it — I am far worse than I ever dreamed. And yet you have loved me beyond what I could ever dream. You have lived Gospel to me.

It’s happening without any headlines: our hearts are quietly boring into each other, us just letting our fingers find each other, our eyes linger. Boring love is what drills wells that taste like wine."

*Full post by Ann: HERE // Website:  http://www.aholyexperience.com/


this month: february

FEELING : excited, nervous and a bit scared about getting into this full time position at my new "grown up" job. 
LEARNING : how to share one laptop between us since we sold mine before the move, yay!
PRACTICING : CPR to be certified, but hoping I won't have to use it.
MASTERING : snooze time in the morning which makes the actual time I'm up way too close to the afternoon.
EATING : more fruits and veggies, take two/
PLAYING : Bethel's new album on repeat! So so good.
FINISHING : this mini vacation we've had with open schedules and lots of free time; it was good while it lasted.
READING : has been on the back burner although I have 4 books that are about halfway read. 
WATCHING : movies almost every night while keeping $25 in our pockets every time; we love you internet.
WEARING : sweaters...so that it sort of feels like winter?
WORKING :  on staying hopeful when I absolutely don't feel it.
WALKING : to the groceries to help save money on gas.
TRAVELING : by car for training during rush hour, hence ^^
DESIRING : joy...
CELEBRATING : God's endless provision through amazing people in our lives with jaws dropped and warm hearts.