
all the miracles

My goodness! Lately, It seems like something new and exciting is going on every week, if not everyday in our ever-changing lives. I feel like if I don't keep track of writing it all down I'll forget all the miracles. Let me emphasize, ALL the miracles because there are so many that God has been orchestrating this past month.

Week 1: My full time position began at the first job I applied to and interviewed for!
Week 2: G started his full time schedule at Westminster  + We got a call back for an apartment we applied for in early January which we were on a waiting list for, and told a call would only be coming in 6 months at the earliest. Yea - one month later they called.
Week 3: Found out that 30 people were called for the TWO condos available for move in. We were number two out of three who applied right away. And two days later were approved. AH! Andddddd G passed his road test with a mean lady who tested, but thankfully passed him!
Week 4: Hasn't happened yet but I'm sure something else is coming. lol

It can be hard to trust God sometimes. But why? He provides for us so well and so perfectly in His timing it's just amazing when you stop and think about it. It IS a miracle that I have a full time job right out of college in the field I studied in. It IS a miracle that the apartment we liked the most because of its location and price called us in a month when the week prior they had told us to expect a call in May. It IS a miracle that we were the second family to get our paperwork in, let me add - on a day I normally was scheduled to work but choose not to for completely different reasons. If I had worked that day we would have lost our chance. I mean...I just can't believe it's all a coincidence. I can't believe it's luck or fate. The only explanation is that Someone greater than I sees the beginning and end of my life, and He is guiding me through it every day.

When we pray for guidance, He guides. When we ask for wisdom, He gives it. And when we truly tell Him our needs, and ask that His will be done no matter what, it is done. Yes, we can trust in Him because we know He is faithful, loving, sovereign and good all the time. Give me all of the miracles Lord! I'll take each one you have for me and praise You for it, because You are the author and perfecter of our faith.

These are some random February happenings, because I also like to remember the good stuff in picture form. 

I would have never thought I'd be working in the mountains.
Foggy rush hour