
Cheers to 2015!

How did 2016 get here so fast? I have no idea! With the family here the past two weeks, time just passed us by in the best way, and it was GREAT having them here to experience our new life on the west coast. We took tons of photos from all our sight seeing, so there will be posts coming from our time together soon! (I miss them already!)

Speaking of posts, with the new year here I've been thinking about what to do with this little blog in 2016, and you know what keeps coming to mind? Share more memories. The little things, even the most simple ones. Why? Because looking back and seeing how much we've changed over the past few years, what we've experienced and how our love has grown over time is beautiful.

If there's one thing I learned from blog writing/photo sharing this past year, it's that being able to go back and see your memories is priceless. 2015 was such a huge transition year for G and I, blogging was not on my radar for months at a time. So looking back at the end of the year, there weren't as many pictures to see or stories to read. But what I was able to read and see, those memories were so special to me. Before, what I remembered in so many of those moments was the stress or chaos of that time. But reading the posts reminded me of the joys and silver linings that slipped my mind as time went by. And through the remembering I see God's faithfulness to us through it all.

No matter how unfaithful we were to Him, or lost or scared or doubtful, He remained and remains faithful to us. And I am so excited to see what He has in store for us in 2016. My prayer this year is simply this: Lord, you're will for us, not ours. Give us the strength to endure the race. And may we love as You love.

Cheers to you, 2016. We are SO excited for you.

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