
sunset picnicking

in celebration of year three
This lovely picnic was two years in the making. During our first semester together at Moody back in 2011, I frequently attended a meeting with the Moody wives on campus. It was a time of cafeteria eating (which isn't too bad once in a while) with lots of laughing & bonding. In that time we were given a bunch of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other random things to keep for free. They had been donated by someone at school especially for us. Well, as all the ladies were searching through the piles of things one night, a special basket caught my eye. This picnic basket you see here. Still being pretty shy at the time I was embarrassed to ask if I could take it. I mean obviously I could, but for a second I didn't want be the girl who took the old picnic basket. (I know, so silly!) Obviously as you can see, I gathered all the courage I had inside of me & took it; I am so freaking happy I did! I knew it was a priceless gift & the fact that is was used made it even more special. I wondered about the family that used it before us. Whether they were older with lots of kids or newlyweds like us. That summer I was convinced we would be having our first picnic in Chicago. & then we didn't.

Fast forward to last June, we purchased this gorgeous 100% cotton blanket for our two year (cotton) anni. with the intentions of having a picnic with it then. Surely, our second summer in the city with our free, perfectly matured basket & new blanket would motivate us to do it. & then we didn't!

Well as you can see, we finally had our picnic in celebration of year three! After two years of disappointing wishes & tries - we did it! & we both couldn't be happier with how gorgeous it was. We've been inspired to have more picnics on warm summer nights and are already planning the next one. I thank God for another year of marriage & another chance to have a picnic in this city. Cheers to living your dreams no matter how simple they may be. Another thought, God's timing is perfect. This verse has been on my heart all June & I feel like it'll transition beautifully into July: 

"He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecc. 3:11a

On a fun note, I had a song on my mind the during the entire picnic! How g sneakingly shot a picture of me singing it I don't know, but you'll see which song it is in the next post. If you want to take a guess, leave a comment below! 

hint: one word from the title of the song is in this picture & the artists name begins with the opposite of hot. ;) 


  1. Yayayay you had your picnic :)
    Evertyhing looks great!



  2. I remember you grabbing that basket! I'm so glad you finally got to use it! I have an old used picnic basket that I got when we first got married too! It's full of craft supplies now, but I think you've inspired me to empty it out and put it to better use!

    1. Yes! That is amazing! Picnics are so much fun! I'm sure especially with your little one too, he's so cute!

    2. Thanks! He is quite an impressive eater!
