

This year, I had doubts.

Doubts that we'd have a Christmas card I'd actually like because the weeks went by and our plan A and plan B totally failed for getting them ready by the first week of December. From rainy weather to bad lighting ideas...we were struggling to get a decent photo. I'm not sure how it happened but 10 days before Christmas a peace came over me about the whole thing. I asked if our good friend Fabz could edit some options we took on our Canon self timer trials (sounds like a movie, doesn't it!?) and of course we loved how they came out!

Our little tree is a favorite part of our card, and has been quite the eye opener for me this year for several reasons. One, I realized I really don't love trees THAT small. Two, not having a big tree does not equal a terrible Christmas. Three, it's all gonna be ok because Jesus = Christmas! Duh! And four, G really likes having a little tree, of course. lol I'll be honest, I was in tears the night we got and decorated our tree because I felt so underwhelmed by it. I mean, I literally told G we needed to get a huge sign that read JESUS in bold letters so I could look at it and not feel sad when I cam home. 


Yes, I was really in my feelings that night! But G..my best love who knows how to calm me down when I'm being dramatic and pure crazy. I was so upset about the tree and let it take away the joy and meaning of Christmas just like that. So after a long talk and cuddles, I snapped out of it...eventually. But the best part is when I look at our tree now I don't only see a pretty tree, I see Jesus because it reminds me the reason we got the tree int he first place - to remind us of love coming down on Christmas and SAVING US. And that, that is the reason for our hope, joy and peace in season and out of season. 

And this is the reason we had to feature our little tree in our Christmas card this year. We love it! And we could not have done it in time without Artifact Uprising + 2 day shipping! :) Also, thanks again to our sweetest friend Fabz for editing these for us! She's the best. Check out her work HERE!

Outtakes that didn't make the card, but we love all the same --

*see our previous Christmas cards here: Years 2011, 2012 and 2013 / 2014 / 2015

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