A day in Laguna Beach
I remember the first time my aunt brought Michelle & I to Laguna, I was enchanted. The beaches, the flowers, homes on hills, the little boutiques & cute restaurants - this place was gorgeous in every way. During that time "The Hills" was one of my favorite shows so being in Laguna seemed almost unreal! I even thought I saw one of the girls from the show on the beach, which I now realize was probably my imagination hoping I could meet someone from the show there. haha.
This time when we came though, it was once again magical but also saddening at the same time. Now, a little older and with a wider view of reality, it's hard to see how some people live with such wealth, so extravagantly - while others struggle every day to have food & shelter. It's such a sad reality that bothers me, but it also gives me drive to be a part of helping the poor succeed & live better lives in any way that I can help practically. (you can read more about this here)
This is a glimpse into our day in Laguna. It was the warmest day we had in Cali. - reaching 86 degrees! Even though we didn't bring our bathing suits to the beach we had a good time walking along the shores taking in such beauty that was all around us. I felt very blessed and thankful to be present that day.
^ breakfast & photos the morning of ^
^ one of my favorite photos from our trip ^
lunch in this cute french restaurant overlooking the ocean (when we were here I kept thinking, this is the perfect place to take the girls one day! Ladies, I'm already planing your visits!)
gelato heaven
walking along the Montage Hotel
taking the ferry to Balboa
heavens declare the glory of God;
skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens God
has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming out of his
a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end
of the heavens
makes its circuit to the other;
is deprived of its warmth."
Psalm 19:1-6
The picture of you and G must be framed!! Beautiful!!